S1EP04 – Breaking coconuts with rocks There was this stretch of road near the…
Caribbean and… claiming beauty as a black child
My first clear memory of being told I was pretty was when teacher Annie, my…
Caribbean and…shadeism
What shade of black are you? Who told you first? What did it bring…
Caribbean and…blackniss
When I think of being black in the Caribbean one of the first things…
A free woman
writing, resisting, and being a woman
Condamné à Miquelon?
Documentaire, Environnement, pesticide et survie
What does it take to be a filmmaker?
Finding your scenius
Tree of life
Nature, island and happy place
What to do after the passage of a Hurricane?
What to do after the passage of a Hurricane? In this episode of "The filmmaker…
Martial arts, determination and overcoming obstacles